All the best wishes to everyone...
Forgive me for all broken promises, bad thoughts, ignorance
Thank you for all kindness shared...
Today I had a thought...
I always had a thought, on and off of this worldly existence....tend to be confusing if I'm not careful. Anyway, theres nothing to worry there....
What was I doing during the thought ~ nothing much actually, just got back from the city centre doing some purchase for some activity at the end of the year.
I was looking at the roadside, at some of the cars and people in general in the area. Some car looked better than mine, and some looked average. Nothing new there....if they are better than me, then its fine with me, if they are less fine than me, I will have the thinking they definitely are having less debt than me... ha ha.
Suddenly it just came to me, in that one moment, a splurry of thought...
'How do I sustain my standard of living when I retire?'
'Will I have enough savings for my needs?"
"Will I continue to have monthly commitments that I have to worry?"
These thoughts filled my head for a little while...
Then suddenly, just like a gush of wind in the middle of a big thunderstorm, this thought strike me hard...
"You're worried about your retirement days...."
"Have you worried about your savings for the day after?" felt like a big hammer had knocked on my head....
I was stunned.....its such a great reminder....that my 'due date' is indeed getting near.
"Tiap-tiap diri akan merasai mati, dan Kami menguji kamu dengan kesusahan dan kesenangan sebagai cubaan; dan kepada Kamilah kamu semua akan dikembalikan." (Surah al-Anbiyaa': ayat 35)
“Setiap yang bernyawa itu pasti akan mengalami kematian.”(QS. Ali ‘Imran: 185)
Therefore, to all my family and friends, please forgive me..
If I have debts, I will try to repay them as much as possible, as long as I can remember....
If I failed to pay, I seek your forgiveness and may you release me from the obligation, and for that to The God Al-Mighty Allah SWT, I seek the forgiveness for you, and may he repay you many times over...
Be kind to my kids and family...
WIth that, I pray that I be happy in the companion and blessing of Allah. May I be forgiven and become a prayer and saviour to my family.
I am different, and will always be different. And that is as exactly as how Allah created me.
Astarghfirullah Hal'Azim
AllahuRabbi Muhamaddan Nabiyyi
Aku bersaksi bahawa tiada tuhan melainkan Allah dan Nabi Muhammad itu pesuruh Allah.
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