By defination, what is a “stress”?
According to the Cambridge Dictionary - - is:
“great worry caused by a difficult situation, or something which causes this condition”
So, stress = woryy
Why do we worry?
Thinking outside the box, there’s nothing to worry.
In simple sense, life is all about managing change. It happens all the time, everytime.
What’s more important is the way on how do we want to accept the change. Especially changes that we didn’t like or not expected.
But then again, there is fate and effort.
The last “Rukun Iman” is Qada’ & Qadar. While there is nothing to worry, its is obliged that we must struggle hard to achieve things.
The process of that struggle is important.
But at the end of the day, it’s the acceptance that is the utmost important, regardless of the outcome. We are only human on this world. We are the servant to God.
If things turns out to be good, we must be thankful, insaf.
If things turns out to be bad, we must be thankful, insaf.
In goodness, be thankful for being blessed with the success.
In goodness, insaf – for being given the chance to savour, enjoy the sweetness of success, for being chosen to be better.
In failure, be thankful that its not worse than that, count other blessings that we have.
In failure, insaf – for being given the chance to savour, enjoy the bitterness of failure.
So what is the bottom line to all this – we the servant, has no strength, energy, clarity of anything. It’s all up to him. We worked, we spend and spent, but nothing belongs to us, nothing owed to us.
After all, can we create that ounce of air to breathe?
Can we create that 1 grain to eat?
None and never is the answer.
Thus, we pray and brings our heads down. If this is the things that I have to do, I’ll do it in the greatest honor of God. Good or bad, I’m the servant seeking the divine forginess.
Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, kepadaMu aku tunduk dan patuh. Darimu aku datang, KepadaMu aku kembali. Tiadalah aku daya upaya. Aku sujud berserah.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Management – Operations Management
What is an “Operation”? According to the Cambridge Dictionary:
What is a “Management”? According to the Cambridge Dictionary:
To my own understanding:
The art of managing, handling, planning preset targets, activities to achieve desired goals or activities
It’s actually the art of harmonizing multiple variable factors such as:
1. Financial status
2. Preset management goals
3. Available resources
4. Legal requirements
To achieve a certain set of returns/benefits out from the activities carried out.
For example, in running a successful operations management, the following key activities may be carried out.
In detail, the following may actually be carried out in having a successful operations management in a given set of activity:
2. Recruitment of personnel, with the consideration/assistance of:
3. Planning and setting of operational requirements:
In summary, the key point in having a successful operations management are as follows:
In the real world, many books had been written covering many of the areas/topics mentioned above.
Where are the books ? Here’s the link to few online bookstores:
Happy thinking and happy reading.
What is a “Management”? According to the Cambridge Dictionary:
So, what is “Operations Management”?
To my own understanding:
The art of managing, handling, planning preset targets, activities to achieve desired goals or activities
It’s actually the art of harmonizing multiple variable factors such as:
1. Financial status
2. Preset management goals
3. Available resources
4. Legal requirements
To achieve a certain set of returns/benefits out from the activities carried out.
For example, in running a successful operations management, the following key activities may be carried out.
- Planning
- Requirement understanding
- Observations/Monitoring – take note of all the critical dates milestone – recruitment, licence applications, safety permits, recruitment etc
- Management support – we must have this, if not whose going to praise us for the good work done ? He he....
- Marriage of multiple skill sets
- Execute and control
In detail, the following may actually be carried out in having a successful operations management in a given set of activity:
- Evaluating and commenting on systems deployed:
- In many circumstances, this is one of the most important part that need to be observed in any operations. With a good understanding and grasp of this process you will have the following benefits:
- knowing your strength
- knowing your weaknesses
- knowing whether the system can deliver the needed "support"
- will help you to plan better in how best to merge the skills of the machine with the skills of the human
- In many circumstances, in the hurry of starting an operation, top management tend to overlook the criticality of spending time and may be more resources in understanding this requirement
2. Recruitment of personnel, with the consideration/assistance of:
- Budget setting
- Networking
- Planning
- Talent ID
3. Planning and setting of operational requirements:
- reporting structures
- creation of procedures
- Effective control of operations operational cost
- Creation of a clear budgetary function
- Manpower requirement analysis
- Resources requirement analysis
- System analysis
- Providing clear understanding to top management on actual operational achievement and issue
- Gathering the necessary mandate on operational needs etc
- Creation and formulation of strategic planning
In summary, the key point in having a successful operations management are as follows:
- Clear understanding of the needs and requirement
- Clear understanding of relevant risk factors
- Clear understanding of the difference in between “Being Effective” and “Being Efficient”
In the real world, many books had been written covering many of the areas/topics mentioned above.
Where are the books ? Here’s the link to few online bookstores:
Happy thinking and happy reading.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
EXCEL -Using “Names” in a Range(Cells)
Kita sebenarnya boleh memberikan nama kepada “cells” atau satu kumpulan cells(range of cells) didalam Excel.
Dengan memberikan nama kepada cells atau range of cells, ianya nanti boleh digunakan bila kita merujuk kepadanya dibahagian yang lain.
Sebagai contoh:
1. Masukkan nilai 2000 pada Cell A1
2. Kita boleh namakan Cell A1 sebagai “TapakMula”
3. Pilih Cell B10
4. Masukkan formula “=TapakMula” pada Cell B10
5. Excel akan memberikan nilai 2000 pada Cell B10
Bagaimana nak menamakan sesuatu Cell?
1. Pilih Cell yang dikehendaki
2. Taipkan nama pilihan di”Name Box” dan tekan enter
3. Lokasi “Name Box” adalah seperti dibawah
Kelebihan terbesar menggunakan “Name Range” ini ialah bila kita hendak merujuk kepada data-data didalam formula bila kita mempunyai satu sheet yang besar dengan jumlah data yang banyak.
Formula yang ditaip sebagai sebagai “KadarBank*PinjamanRHB” adalah lebih bermakna berbanding dengan formula yang ditaip sebagai “D3*W25”
Demo video adalah seperti berikut:
That’s it……………
Kita sebenarnya boleh memberikan nama kepada “cells” atau satu kumpulan cells(range of cells) didalam Excel.
Dengan memberikan nama kepada cells atau range of cells, ianya nanti boleh digunakan bila kita merujuk kepadanya dibahagian yang lain.
Sebagai contoh:
1. Masukkan nilai 2000 pada Cell A1
2. Kita boleh namakan Cell A1 sebagai “TapakMula”
3. Pilih Cell B10
4. Masukkan formula “=TapakMula” pada Cell B10
5. Excel akan memberikan nilai 2000 pada Cell B10
Bagaimana nak menamakan sesuatu Cell?
1. Pilih Cell yang dikehendaki
2. Taipkan nama pilihan di”Name Box” dan tekan enter
3. Lokasi “Name Box” adalah seperti dibawah

Formula yang ditaip sebagai sebagai “KadarBank*PinjamanRHB” adalah lebih bermakna berbanding dengan formula yang ditaip sebagai “D3*W25”
Demo video adalah seperti berikut:
That’s it……………
Saturday, March 6, 2010
EXCEL ... This is an interesting piece of software.
Dibuat oleh Uncle Microsoft, hasil perahan idea Abang Bill Gates etc.
Why did I say its interesting ?
Its interesting bcoz:
It can show you a quick page of lines across a screen..... ha ha ... not so terror la this one.
To the beginners:
EXCEL ... This is an interesting piece of software.
Dibuat oleh Uncle Microsoft, hasil perahan idea Abang Bill Gates etc.
Why did I say its interesting ?
Its interesting bcoz:
It can show you a quick page of lines across a screen..... ha ha ... not so terror la this one.
To the beginners:
- you can quickly have sheets with many self calculated totals i.e. autosum function
- its has many built-in functions that will speed-up your work
- you can set-up a quick What-Ifs scenarios of your various calculations and projections
- its useful for almost everybody - students, accountants lawyers
- it can be programmed to create self styled tools to impress ........ your boss is a great candidate
- eliminate key-in error in that huge data compiling task that you're doing
- save time ..... you save time when you let the codes do it for you
- And down here is just a sample how I manipulate those codes to do the dirty work for me and saving my shoulder from that ache...
In the sample above, what I've coded is:
So, if you think this is something useful and great that you want to know more.... search for Excel VBA in your search engine.
The result page should be able to give you more insights to what it is all about.
For a start you may read these article .....
If you want to buy a book.... consider books from Mr Walkenbach...
There you have it. Pick that heavy butt from that lazy chair and learn something new today....
OK then.....
- Excel to open my data file from designated folders
- Extract data from the opened file
- put it into my pre-prepared template
- process the data
- and give me results
So, if you think this is something useful and great that you want to know more.... search for Excel VBA in your search engine.
The result page should be able to give you more insights to what it is all about.
For a start you may read these article .....
If you want to buy a book.... consider books from Mr Walkenbach...
There you have it. Pick that heavy butt from that lazy chair and learn something new today....
OK then.....
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Study Skills
Dry topic ha? Yes I bet it is to most people….
We live too much on a diet of take it easy and to be entertained all the time.
And this is a selfish act, if we think about it “deep” enough.
In fact, anything that is done excessively may be considered selfish.
Why selfish? To my mind, if you overly doing something, you must have neglected something in the process…. Thus that is not a thoughtful thing to do right?
Back to the topic…. I cannot comment what others are doing or professing, but I personally sum it into these:
“You must know your own self” and match it against the needs"
Why must one know his own self in coming up with a good studying strategy? It is bcoz of these:
Build the strategy around these “needs/strengths” and weigh it against the needs.
What are the needs then … emmm… :
1. how far away is the exam
2. which subject is the worse and the best
3. how helpful is the lecturer
4. and some other things … think a bit la….
Those written above are potent strategies that can be adopted to marshal the way to your success, and all kinds of success actually.
If you don’t believe me, grab a book on “Sun Tzu The Art of War” and reflect it against your studying strategy.
1. Who is your enemy? – the books, material, the course
2. What is the strength/advantages?-reference material, teachers and friends
3. Time to attack – you know yourself la
4. What is the limitation? Time, resources…
5. The rest you may continue yourself…
That’s it. Simple isn’t it?
Well, I’m not clever. I’m just so happen to must have been "exposed" to the book earlier and got a good reflection by it and acted on it…well I have at least partially acted on it. If not I won’t be writing this blog, I write a book instead, and you have to pay to read it!!
So is the rest of the knowledge in this world… ha ha ha … but that’s another story.
OK, then ….
We live too much on a diet of take it easy and to be entertained all the time.
And this is a selfish act, if we think about it “deep” enough.
In fact, anything that is done excessively may be considered selfish.
Why selfish? To my mind, if you overly doing something, you must have neglected something in the process…. Thus that is not a thoughtful thing to do right?
Back to the topic…. I cannot comment what others are doing or professing, but I personally sum it into these:
“You must know your own self” and match it against the needs"
Why must one know his own self in coming up with a good studying strategy? It is bcoz of these:
- only you knows whether you’re a morning person, midnight oil man, afternoon man or whathever
- only you should know what is the easiest way for you to absorb information
- How steady is your mood swing
- Do you need it to be ultra quiet … or doing it while blazing away the Ipod is the way?
- Are you the solo man type? or are you the one who likes to do it in pairs/groups?
Build the strategy around these “needs/strengths” and weigh it against the needs.
What are the needs then … emmm… :
1. how far away is the exam
2. which subject is the worse and the best
3. how helpful is the lecturer
4. and some other things … think a bit la….
Those written above are potent strategies that can be adopted to marshal the way to your success, and all kinds of success actually.
If you don’t believe me, grab a book on “Sun Tzu The Art of War” and reflect it against your studying strategy.
1. Who is your enemy? – the books, material, the course
2. What is the strength/advantages?-reference material, teachers and friends
3. Time to attack – you know yourself la
4. What is the limitation? Time, resources…
5. The rest you may continue yourself…
That’s it. Simple isn’t it?
Well, I’m not clever. I’m just so happen to must have been "exposed" to the book earlier and got a good reflection by it and acted on it…well I have at least partially acted on it. If not I won’t be writing this blog, I write a book instead, and you have to pay to read it!!
So is the rest of the knowledge in this world… ha ha ha … but that’s another story.
OK, then ….
Friday, February 26, 2010
Me Going To Land In Planet 40 .....
I'll reach that precious milestone, turning point soon.
Some people say, life begins at 40.
Others then say, if you don't change for the better by that mark, caveat emptor..... "sendiri mau ingat la".... or in other words .... you're reminded Bro....
With that I like to share this from the Holy Quran....
"Dan Kami wajibkan manusia berbuat baik kepada kedua ibu bapanya; ibunya telah mengandungnya dengan menanggung susah payah dan telah melahirkannya dengan menanggung susah payah. Sedang tempoh mengandungnya berserta dengan tempoh menceraikan susunya ialah dalam masa tiga puluh bulan. Setelah dia besar sampai ke peringkat dewasa yang sempurna kekuatannya dan sampai ke peringkat umur empat puluh tahun, berdoalah dia dengan berkata: Wahai Tuhanku, ilhamkanlah daku supaya tetap bersyukur akan nikmatmu yang engkau kurniakan kepadaku dan kepada ibu bapaku dan supaya aku tetap mengerjakan amal soleh yang Engkau redai; dan jadikanlah sifat-sifat kebaikan meresap masuk ke dalam jiwa zuriat keturunanku. Sesungguhnya aku bertaubat kepadamu dan sesungguhnya aku dari orang-orang Islam (yang tunduk patuh kepadamu)."
Qs.46:15 AL AHQAF Ayat 15
In English:
"And We have commended unto man kindness toward parents. His mother beareth him with reluctance, and bringeth him forth with reluctance, and the bearing of him and the weaning of him is thirty months, till, when he attaineth full strength and reacheth forty years, he saith: My Lord! Arouse me that I may give thanks for the favour wherewith Thou hast favoured me and my parents, and that I may do right acceptable unto Thee. And be gracious unto me in the matter of my seed. Lo! I have turned unto Thee repentant, and lo! I am of those who surrender (unto Thee)"
You can listen to the audio at Here ... select Sura/Chapter 46, Verse 15.
So, emmm ... to The Al-Mighty God, I surrender, La haula wala quwata illa billah.
I'll reach that precious milestone, turning point soon.
Some people say, life begins at 40.
Others then say, if you don't change for the better by that mark, caveat emptor..... "sendiri mau ingat la".... or in other words .... you're reminded Bro....
With that I like to share this from the Holy Quran....
"Dan Kami wajibkan manusia berbuat baik kepada kedua ibu bapanya; ibunya telah mengandungnya dengan menanggung susah payah dan telah melahirkannya dengan menanggung susah payah. Sedang tempoh mengandungnya berserta dengan tempoh menceraikan susunya ialah dalam masa tiga puluh bulan. Setelah dia besar sampai ke peringkat dewasa yang sempurna kekuatannya dan sampai ke peringkat umur empat puluh tahun, berdoalah dia dengan berkata: Wahai Tuhanku, ilhamkanlah daku supaya tetap bersyukur akan nikmatmu yang engkau kurniakan kepadaku dan kepada ibu bapaku dan supaya aku tetap mengerjakan amal soleh yang Engkau redai; dan jadikanlah sifat-sifat kebaikan meresap masuk ke dalam jiwa zuriat keturunanku. Sesungguhnya aku bertaubat kepadamu dan sesungguhnya aku dari orang-orang Islam (yang tunduk patuh kepadamu)."
Qs.46:15 AL AHQAF Ayat 15
In English:
"And We have commended unto man kindness toward parents. His mother beareth him with reluctance, and bringeth him forth with reluctance, and the bearing of him and the weaning of him is thirty months, till, when he attaineth full strength and reacheth forty years, he saith: My Lord! Arouse me that I may give thanks for the favour wherewith Thou hast favoured me and my parents, and that I may do right acceptable unto Thee. And be gracious unto me in the matter of my seed. Lo! I have turned unto Thee repentant, and lo! I am of those who surrender (unto Thee)"
You can listen to the audio at Here ... select Sura/Chapter 46, Verse 15.
So, emmm ... to The Al-Mighty God, I surrender, La haula wala quwata illa billah.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010 my personal blog
Salam and Hi there,
I am a not so young yet so old male living in Klang Valley.
This will serve as my personal reflections and maybe a platform for me to share my thoughts, things I like, things I think I know etc.
Personally, I've accomplished these personal egos.....
Lets fire away .....
I am a not so young yet so old male living in Klang Valley.
This will serve as my personal reflections and maybe a platform for me to share my thoughts, things I like, things I think I know etc.
Personally, I've accomplished these personal egos.....
- I'm married, and i think she's quite happy with me....
- I have 4 kids .... still struggling with this one.... hopefully in the end it turns out fine
- I have a steady job -
- I have debts - haaahhhh... some are productive debts, some are legacies from past "stupidity"
Lets fire away .....
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