Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Study Skills

Dry topic ha? Yes I bet it is to most people….

We live too much on a diet of take it easy and to be entertained all the time.

And this is a selfish act, if we think about it “deep” enough.

In fact, anything that is done excessively may be considered selfish.

Why selfish? To my mind, if you overly doing something, you must have neglected something in the process…. Thus that is not a thoughtful thing to do right?

Back to the topic…. I cannot comment what others are doing or professing, but I personally sum it into these:
“You must know your own self” and match it against the needs"

Why must one know his own self in coming up with a good studying strategy? It is bcoz of these:
  1. only you knows whether you’re a morning person, midnight oil man, afternoon man or whathever
  2. only you should know what is the easiest way for you to absorb information
  3. How steady is your mood swing
  4. Do you need it to be ultra quiet … or doing it while blazing away the Ipod is the way?
  5. Are you the solo man type? or are you the one who likes to do it in pairs/groups?

Build the strategy around these “needs/strengths” and weigh it against the needs.

What are the needs then … emmm… :
1. how far away is the exam
2. which subject is the worse and the best
3. how helpful is the lecturer
4. and some other things … think a bit la….

Those written above are potent strategies that can be adopted to marshal the way to your success, and all kinds of success actually.

If you don’t believe me, grab a book on “Sun Tzu The Art of War” and reflect it against your studying strategy.

1. Who is your enemy? – the books, material, the course
2. What is the strength/advantages?-reference material, teachers and friends
3. Time to attack – you know yourself la
4. What is the limitation? Time, resources…
5. The rest you may continue yourself…

That’s it. Simple isn’t it?

Well, I’m not clever. I’m just so happen to must have been "exposed" to the book earlier and got a good reflection by it and acted on it…well I have at least partially acted on it. If not I won’t be writing this blog, I write a book instead, and you have to pay to read it!!

So is the rest of the knowledge in this world… ha ha ha … but that’s another story.

OK, then ….


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